3 Tips For Planning Fun Activities With Kids
Hunter’s outfit details: similar shirt
Living with kids is a blast! As long as you plan fun things to do. If you don't, it's a case of the cranky-pants with a touch of hysteria. I get it. You're looking for the easiest way to get through the day and still make sure that you and the little one are enjoying it. So, to help you out in your adventure to fun-town, I'm putting together a list of tips that will help you plan activities with your kids so that everyday can be a blast for everyone!
1. Get in the know about local events: There's always something going on around town, and when you need some fun activities to plan, it might be helpful to know what's going on. Maybe it's something that your kid loves. Maybe it's the perfect family activity. Or, maybe it's just something different that will keep things new and exciting. Keep up to date regularly on the local listings and pick some great ones! I like to go to at least one local event each week, with Hunter.
2. Get organized: Sure, life's chaotic, but getting organized is key to keeping the parenting chaos in line. Add in everyone who is involved in your life, even if it seems over the top. Personally, I have a family calendar and everyone's activities – my mom's, my grandma's, my son's and my own – are on there. That way I can know who's free and when and how we can plan fun family activities for everyone.
3. Focus on your little one's interests: Even if it only lasts for a few weeks, kids have strong loves for certain things. Maybe it's Puppy Dog Pals, or maybe it's something as random as getting their wiggles out. Whatever the focus may be, consider planning fun activities based on those interests. Get some music going that they'll love to play and dance to. Dance along with them. Get family member to join in. Do some Puppy Dog Pals related baking (as in, aprons and cookware) and get them to decorate cookies with Puppy Dog Pals-themed icing colors.
Planning the perfect list of activities isn't as hard as the internet may make you think. It doesn't need to be this huge giant thing where it takes 3 years for it all to come together. Sometimes it's just a simple tube of icing or a few dollars at the dollar store for some good clean fun.
When planning activities, you just need to make sure that you are doing it your way and, you know, actually have fun! After all, these “fun activities” aren't just about entertaining your child, they're about having fun together! Take control of your “to do list” and add in activities that will feel good all around. It'll be easier than you think and the joy that comes from doing fun activities with your little one and other family members is going to be so strong, it'll motivate you to create a few of these activities every week with no problem at all.