Mom Guilt


​ When a bad day threatens to overwhelm you and you find yourself with that little voice wondering “Why did I ever have kids?”, you know that it's time to pack up and leave. No, just kidding. Well, kinda. Hear me out. Being a mom is hard work. Like, super hard work. No matter who you are, how many kids you have or how amazing your partner is, there are still going to be days where your cranky frustration gets to you and you just can't handle reading a story to your child when they ask. And that's okay. Welcome to the world of Mom guilt. Here's what you should know.

Moms are people too. ​Too often, moms aren't given the space to be people once they start taking care of a baby. The thing is, we don't stop being people. We have needs that don't revolve around dinosaur chicken nuggets or wiping germs off hands before they multiply. Sometimes we just need to have our own space to grab a breath and recharge so that we can focus on all of the good parts of being a mom. The hardest part: not feeling guilty about it. Needing a break is part of mom life. It doesn't mean that you're a bad mom.

You do have to focus on what's best for your kid 24/7 . But, maybe what’s best for your kid/s is some mom time. Instead of playing with your kid, ask them to go play with toys by themselves and enjoy a cup of coffee in the sunshine. Or, skip the organic hand-made food and treat your kids – and you – to a burger and fries once in a while (or several times a week like me). It's okay, no one will call the cops. Seriously.

Remember that there are going to be bad days. ​Some days, you're going to deal with tantrums and poop on the walls and you're going to be frustrated and exhausted. It happens. Nothing you can do to stop it. But, other days are going to be snuggly hugs and sweet conversations with angel kids. They're going to happen, too, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. It's all about balance and focusing on the reminder that after a storm cloud, the rainbow appears. The poop will clean up. The kid will – eventually – fall asleep. You will have a moment to gather your thoughts. Trust me.

​Mom life is magical and just plain hard at the same time. And that's okay. Wipe away that mom guilt and focus on remaining a person and spending some “me time” for yourself on both the good and the bad days. You need it, your kid needs it, and you'll be a much better mom for taking some time for yourself, recharging, and not feeling guilty for enjoying it, either. Grab the treats, find your sunshine-y spot, and live it up! The bedtime stories, poopy walls and tantrums can wait.

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